Every food producer, whether a restaurant or mass manufacturer stocking grocer and deli shelves, endeavors to produce sushi that turns customers into regular buyers who send their friends.
If you’ve ever enjoyed sushi you know that perfect sushi rice is the difference between outstanding sushi and just ok, doesn’t warrant a 5-star Google review or repeat purchase sushi.
The sous vide cooking method submerges rinsed sushi rice that has been vacuum-sealed in plastic pouches with water and rice vinegar into a temperature-controlled water bath.
In the water bath, the vacuum-sealed sushi rice is circulated in the water and held at a precisely controlled low temperature for an extended period of time.
DC Norris has been manufacturing sous vide cook tanks since the 1980s and is a global leader pushing the industrial and commercial application of this cooking technique forward by manufacturing innovative equipment.
– CT-1 120lbs – CT-5 551lbs – CT-10 882lbs – CT-20 1,764lbs